
Hot off the press!!


Dear Parents:WOW!!!!  Our kids did so very well in the Spring Concert!  I am so proud of each and every one of them.  We had a busy week preparing for the concert and learning all about number words.  A HUGE thanks to all of you who donated new books to our classroom from the Book Fair!!  We are so blessed!!
Bible: We learned that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and what that means to us.  We talked about ways that He guides, leads and protects us.  We also learned the story of the Good Samaritan, and talked about ways that we can help others and show God’s love.  We read a story called “Hope is an Open Heart” about people around the world and how they keep hope during times of trouble.
Language Arts:We finished our last unit in language arts.  We learned number words zero-twelve.  We read stories with number words and practiced writing the words on our own. We had a cumulative spelling test on Friday and the students did amazingly well!!!
Math:We played addition and number recognition games.  We also learned about the minutes on the clock to the 5s.  The students really enjoyed learning to read the clock more completely.
Science:We took a break this week to prepare for the concert.
Social Studies:We took a break this week to prepare for the concert.
Upcoming Events:Monday, May 31st:          Memorial Day -  NO SCHOOLWednesday, June 2nd:    Kindergarten Talent Show 1:45 – 2:45 Monschke HallMonday, June 7th:          Volunteer Recognition in our classroom @ 1:30                                        Schoolwide Awards Assembly @ 2:00Friday, June 11th:             Last Day of School                               Kindergarten Completion (9-10) and School Picnic (11-12)


HomeworkHAPPY END OF THE YEAR!We will have less homework the last three weeks and it can be completed whenever you like.


Week Work:  - Reading Book - Story     Report
  Read for 10 Minutes Math:Pack it In   Read for 10 Minutes -ing worksheet    Read for 10 Minutes Math:Hit the Road    Read for 10 Minutes Finish any work that needs to be completed